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Masthead Page Volume 15 ISSN 1439-7676 Published by Health and Beauty Germany GmbH Managing Director: Jürgen Volpp Assistant: Phone: +49 721 165-311 Address Health and Beauty Germany GmbH, COSSMA P.O. Box 1446, 76003 Karlsruhe, Germany Phone: +49 721 165-0, Fax: +49 721 165-148 Editorial Staff Legally responsible party and Senior Editor: Angelika Meiss Phone: +49 721 165-169 E-mail: Advisory Board François Berthoud, Jean-François Billon, Agnès Borel, Peter Finkel, Dr. Ulrike Heinrich, Ulrich Herfurt, Birgit Huber, Dr. Jean-Luc Lévêque, Dr. Daniel Maes, Prof. Dr. Hagen Tronnier, Dr. Klaus-Peter Wittern Advertising Advertisement Manager: Dorothea Michaelis Phone: +49 721 165-144 E-mail: Advertising Services: Beate Bantzhaff Phone: +49 721 165-232, Fax: +49 721 165-148 The current list of advertising rates is dated 1st of Jan. 2014. Circulation Health and Beauty Germany GmbH Service Phone: +49 721 165-162, Fax: +49 721 165-148 Published: 10 issues per year COSSMA: formerly “Parfümerie und Kosmetik“ and “Aerosol and Spray Report“ Subscription Purchase price/annual subscription rates: Rates Germany: € 192; outside Germany: € 198. Cancellations addressed to the publishing firm by letter will be accepted one month before the end of the subscription year. The subscription fees will be billed in advance once a year. A quarterly debit transfer arrange- ment via a bank or post office is acceptable. Design/ Health and Beauty Germany GmbH Production Ulrich Hanke Karl-Friedrich-Str. 14–18, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany Phone: +49 721 165-592 ISDN (Leonardo): +49 721 165-696 Printing Kraft Druck GmbH Industriestr. 5-9, 76275 Ettlingen, Germany International Representatives Hungary Health and Beauty Business Media Kft. Anita Zsilak, Naphegy tér 8. III. em. (MTI Székház) 1016 Budapest, Hungary Phone: +36 1 457006600, Fax: +36 1 2013248 E-mail: Italy Zero Venti Loris Sparti Via Giuseppew Luigi Passalacqua, 4 10122 Torino, Italy Phone: +39 348 2247176 E-mail: Poland Health and Beauty Media Sp.z.o.o. Malgorzata Szulc, ul. Kubickiego 9/3 02-954 Warsaw, Poland Phone: +48 22 8587955, Fax: +48 22 8587953 E-mail: USA and Canada D.A. Fox Advertising Sales Inc. Detlef Fox 19th Floor 5 Penn Plaza New York, NY NY 10001, USA Phone: +1 212 896-3881 Fax: +1 212 629-3988 E-mail: © Copyright Health and Beauty Germany GmbH, Karlsruhe 2014 The publisher has taken all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of infor- mation in this magazine. Nevertheless, no responsibility is accepted for any errors which may occur. The magazine, including all articles and illustrations is copyright. Unauthorised use of published material is prohibited and will be the subject of legal action. This applies in particular to photo copying, translations, microfilms and the storage and editing using electronic media. The use of trade names, brand names, product designations etc. in this publication implies no authority for their further use by third parties. Such product names and brands may be the subject of legal protection, even though they may not be identified as such in the magazine. E-mail newsletter order Please fill in completely in capital letters or add your business card: @ E-mail First name, family name Company Street address Postcode, city, country Date and signature z Yes, I want to be kept right up to date. I therefore agree that Health and Beauty Germany GmbH may contact me J by mobile phone J by e-mail J in writing J by telephone/fax with news from the industry and to tell me about inter- esting offers. If I do not wish to receive further infor- mation, I will communicate this to Health and Beauty. Order today: Fax: +49 (0)721 165-103 Health and Beauty Germany GmbH Karl-Friedrich-Str. 14–18 76133 Karlsruhe Germany Tel: +49(0) 721 165-131 Fax: +49(0) 721 165-103 Trends Statements Innovation The Team Managing Director Jürgen Volpp Senior Editor Angelika Meiss +49 721 165-169 Advertising Sales Dorothea Michaelis +49 721 165-144 Advertising Support Beate Bantzhaff +49 (0)721 165-232 Graphics Ulrich Hanke +49 (0)721 165-592 COS1408_49_Impressum_GB_COS1406_49_Impressum_GB 28.07.14 14:37 Seite 49

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