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Contents a Leading articles Front cover picture: Shkvarko, 3 Editorial ࡯ NEWS 8 Markets + Profiles ࡯ FOCUS Natural cosmetics 10 Dr. Kirsten Hüttner, Rus Expert: The Russian natural cosmetics market – Growth despite the economic crisis? 12 a Prof. Dr. habil. Gerald Muschiolik: Olibanum oil extract for natural cosmetics – A smart combination 14 a Ph.D. Alain Khaiat, Seers Consulting: A natural, and complete protection against skin ageing 16 Vivienne Rudd, Mintel: International launches ࡯ MARKETING 18 Star of the Month: A new, elegant single-handed closure system – A turn is all it needs 20 a Imogen Matthews, Consultant to In-Cosmetics: In-Cosmetics Marketing Trends Presentations 2014 – Focus on Brazil 22 Expert statements: Vegan cosmetics – Limitations in formulating? ࡯ PRODUCTION 24 a Market survey – Ingredients suppliers 27 Addresses: Market survey 28 Plenty of alternatives to plastic microbeads 29 New Ingredients 30 The SEPAWA FAK group (Applied cosmetics group): Trend setters for the industry 32 Three nations Forum Cosmeticum in Salzburg 34 a Renate Radizi, R. Gerschon: Bottles and jars in the smallest of quantities – The right decoration is half the job! 36 Packaging Events ࡯ SERVICES 6 Download List 38 Essential Oils: Price list 39 Formulations: Hair care 40 BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH 2014: New business meeting times for ”early birds” 41 Events Diary 42 International B2B Exchange 44 Suppliers‘ Guide 48 Company Index 48 Advertisers‘ Index 49 Masthead Page 50 Trend statement by Amarjit Sahota, Organic Monitor 50 Preview 10 I Natural cosmetics in Russia – where is it going? 24 I Fully updated and ready for you: Our market survey of ingredients suppliers 20 I What are the trends that characterise the Brazilian market? 22 I What challenges do vegan cosmetics have to over- come? COS1408_04_Inhalt_GB_COS1405_04_Inhalt_GB 28.07.14 14:20 Seite 4

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