PRODUCTION PACKAGING EVENTS NEWS Events More than 175,000 visitors Interpack I From May 8th to 14th Interpack 2014 attracted some 2,700 exhibitors and 175,000 visitors, filling the 19 halls of the Düsseldorf exhi- bition centre. This year’s exhibition recorded about 66 percent of foreign visitors, which was not only a new record but also a top rating across all Messe Düsseldorf events. Visitors from 120 nations in total travelled to Düsseldorf.Topics at the fair included resource efficiency in terms of ma- chinery and equipment, packing material usage, safety and the way that branded products can be made safe from pirates, plus the versatility and flexibility for an ever-increasing range of products and rapid development and manufacturing cycle times. The next Interpack takes place in Düsseldorf from May 4th to 10th 2017. photo:Interpack The number of foreign visitors from 120 different nations added up to 66 percent of the total A record for the event CosmeticBusiness I On June the 5th and 6th , 2014, the CosmeticBusiness took place in Munich. With 394 ex- hibitors, companies and brands, and with an increased area, it was the biggest exhibition so far. About 50 new international exhibitors were showing their portfolio and had booked an increase in their exhibition space of 6%. The proportion of manufacturers and service providers attending from outside Germany rose to 40 percent, representing an increase of 5 percentage points .The proportion of ingredients suppliers grew to 13 percent. Exhibition visitors came from 38 countries. 25 percent of the visitors came from abroad to visit the show – mainly coming from Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Italy, France and the Netherlands. The event offered all kinds of solutions, from ingredients through to packaging and marketing. The supporting programme offered a glimpse into the numerous industry topics and trends. The next B2B trade fair will take place in 2015 on June 10th and 11th , and thus for the first time on a Wednesday and Thursday in the Munich MOC. The presen- tations from people such as that by Dr. Gerd Mildau, which includ- ed an update on the current cosmetics reg- ulations, were well attended photo:CosmeticBusiness 5th anniversary a blooming success MakeUp in Paris I A total of 2,804 visitors for 114 ex- hibitors attended the 5th edition of MakeUp in Paris, a European event dedicated to the make-up industry. This equals an in- crease of 12% in comparison to 2013 in terms of visitors and of 17% in terms of exhibitors. This exhibition with its twelve scheduled conferences took place on 12th and 13th of June at the Carrousel du Louvre. Many professionals from the formu- lation and packaging industries, full-service specialists, design- ers, marketing, purchasing or research and development teams, coming from brands operating in the global sector of make-up, came from the four corners of Europe, especially from Eastern countries. Indeed the number of foreign visitors broke all records, representing almost 30% of all visitors over two days. Also on the rise were visitors coming from Australia, Israel, Lebanon, Taiwan, Iran, Morocco, Brazil and Japan. photo:MakeUpinParis All Organic Trading DE–ÖKO–005 New developments in the field of colour cosmetics products were on show COS1408_36_Pack_News_GB_COS1405_34_Pack_News_D 28.07.14 14:33 Seite 36