23 www.merck4cosmetics.com Formulating products has now become oh-so- - ter, based on titanium dioxide, can be used in virtually any product formulation giving you endless creativity - lows you to “crack the code” of balanced formulas featuring challenging or reactive active cosmetic in- gredients. Free of incompatibilities, it’s the only tita- nium dioxide that works well with the sensitive tan- ning ingredient Dihydroxyacetone. Opens up new formulation opportunities Titanium Dioxide (nano form) It’s the ideal “have-it-all” Titanium Dioxide you’ve been waiting for Eusolex® T-EASY And the skin wears summer…through natural tanning thanks to intrinsic melanin activation. With proven effectiveness in the lab, RonaCare® Bronzyl™ has all the science to back up the claims. Ex vivo and in vivo testing were able to demonstrate how it stimulates melanin production for ideal natu- ral tanning. Natural tanning from within RonaCare® BronzylTM BREAKING NEWS Keep-in-touch marketing Frans Hazenberg and Miranda Hazenberg are the founders of Blèzi Cos- metics, a cosmetics manufacturer based in the Netherlands that has more than just a good feel for customer needs. As a direct sales cosmetics company, it is always in close contact with its end customers. We spoke to Blèzi’s founders about their approach and their use of RonaCare® Cyclopep- tide-5. Miranda Hazenberg: We use this product all the time. We’ve enjoyed good growth with our makeup lines since 2011, and then in 2013, we introduced a new skincare line formulated on the same core values as we have for our color cosmetics. Our focus is on the segments that emphasize premium qual- ity and long-lasting, easy-to-apply products. This way of working provides us with some amazing insights into end consumers and what they like – it’s re- ally interesting feedback. Frans Hazenberg: Typically the best interaction is during the training ses- sions we run with customers and workshops with end users. When we talk to them about products like our Multi Dynamic day and night cream, or the Revitalizing Eye Cream containing RonaCare® Cyclopeptide-5, the response we get is worth its weight in gold. This kind of direct feedback is essential to maintain the quality that we are looking for and it allows us to stay “in touch” with customer needs. Miranda Hazenberg: of the main things they point out is their firmer skin. We of- ten hear things like: “These products let my skin look younger”, or “The elasticity of my skin has really improved”. To find out more about RonaCare® Cyclopeptide-5 and other feel-good products that add that special touch to cosmetics, go to: www.merck4cosmetics.com THE BEST FEEDBACK IS DIRECT FEEDBACK COS1408_EH_Merck_GB_02_215x290mm_1/1_A 24.07.14 13:10 Seite 23