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medical BEAUTY FORUM… … forms the bridge between research and its practical application in the fields of aesthetic medicine and cosmetics For a successful partnership: · Covers the current state of knowledge and practice for doctors involved with aesthetic procedures and for beauticians · Cosmetology, technology or trophology: Carries in-depth and carefully researched professional knowledge and guidance – Published 6 times per annum – Reaches more than 10.000 dermatologists, beauticians and plastic surgeons in Germany, Austria and Switzerland Further information: Health and Beauty Germany GmbH • Karl-Friedrich-Str.14–18 • 76133 Karlsruhe • Deutschland Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Volpp • Registergericht Mannheim • HRB 106183 • USt-ID: DE 813859129 631-11_EA_Image_Med_Cos_GB_631-11_EA_Image_Med_Cos_uk 28.07.14 14:46 Seite 1

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