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Convenience is a major aspect of life in the 21st century. And because consumers are used to using their fingers in a multifunctional way to meet the constant demands of their mobile phones, the new single-handed closure from Axilone is just the right move. of the Month Star Turn the cap ring with two fingers, and the closure snaps open, exposing the actuator or spray head photo:Axilone A new, elegant single-handed closure system A turn is all it needs A t Axilone there is a targeted and structured innovations opera- tion led by Jean-Paul Dénécé, the company innovations develop- ment manager, who has an innovations team leader at every production site and in every department. Every em- ployee regularly has to submit ideas appealing to the packaging sector. This may then be the starting point for a project that will need to be investigat- ed further, and which will require its substance to be enhanced. Maybe there will be no future for the idea, who MARKETING PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT minds? Jean-Paul Dénécé is eager for an open mind and a 360° inquisitive- ness: “If you follow the trend you will be doing the same as everybody else!“ It is however, important that new ideas are not based on inconvenient solutions. Moreover, it is crucial to en- sure that the industrial solution is technically implementable. Axilone have the advantage here of making and plating their own tools and equipment in-house. Users are used to doing various things with just one hand, thanks to Germany Supercritical Extracts by Extracting the Essence of Nature the mobile phone, and while they are on the phone they may be putting the finishing touches to their make-up. So that is a reason that we designed the Vaposphere for single-handed opera- tion – two fingers rotate the cap ring and expose the actuator or spray head. When closing the cap it is simply a matter of turning the ring in the oppo- site direction. This closure system is suitable for make-up, facial care prod- ucts, and fragrances. AM COS1408_18_Star_GB_COS1406_18_Star_D 28.07.14 14:25 Seite 18

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