T o launch successful products, you need the right input, ideas and support from the right people. Whether you’re discuss- ing R&D, marketing, or quality aspects – with pro- fessional support, advice, and hands-on help, sci- entific excellence is ensured. With the Cosmetics Expert Forum, Merck offers customers the opportunity to “take a seat“ at the same table with leading experts, participating ei- ther in seminars or personal talks at our sites. The idea is for customers to know that they are always welcome to come in and ask questions and count on professional support. Direct exchanges save time and resources and of- fer insights into your partner´s activities. To name just a few examples: The Merck product dossiers, the Rona® Profile and the Rona® Compendium provide the most comprehensive documentation on all our products including insights into de- tailed product information, toxicology data, and the global regulatory status. The Cosmetics Expert Forum provides a forum not only to help customers with product develop- ment, but also to simplify the sometimes frustrat- ing challenge of navigating through the complex- ity of formulation development, from initial research to final production. Get in touch and obtain the information you need on any issues related to these and other topics: Ina Höfgen-Müller, Director of Global Regulatory Performance Materials, Pigments & Cosmetics COSMETICS ROUNDTABLE FOR EXPERT INSIGHTS TAKE A SEAT At the last in-cosmetics, the Cosmetics Ex- pert Forum was organized to support cus- tomer exchange on a large number of inter- esting topics: Light protection, the Eusolex “T-” portfolio, differentiation in personal care applications, quality issues, nano guid- ance, alternatives to animal testing, and many more. If you missed us at the Cosmetics Expert Fo- rum at in-cosmetics, please contact us with your questions by writing to: cosmeticsexperts@merckgroup.com BREAKING NEWS 20 COS1408_EH_Merck_GB_02_215x290mm_1/1_A 24.07.14 13:10 Seite 20