M ore and more men are now reaching for care products. It’s never been more fashionable for guys to look well groomed. The heaviest users of care products are men aged 30-49, and when they do, they want to avoid any hint of femininity. So effeminate looks, designs or perfumed products are a definite no- no. Instead men want made-to-measure men’s stuff, marketed to match their gender. Their role models are often top athletes and sportsmen, public heroes who quite readily jump between the playing field and their aspirational part as a promoter of healthy snacks, energy drinks, grooming products, hair care brands and skin care solu- tions. BODY TALK It’s been known for time immemorial that men place value on physical attraction. No, not just what they see in women – these days they look closely at themselves, too! Here are some alternative “vital statistics” that may surprise some: - On a global scale, the average man spends €35 per month on cosmetic products - 90% of men look after their looks for their job; 7% do so to appeal to the ladies - European men groom their looks for between 2.7 and 3.0 hours a week - 50% of German men use a facial cream, 14% of them every day WHAT KIND OF MAN ARE YOU? THE FACIAL FACTOR Men’s cosmetics markets may still be smaller than the perennial runner for manufacturers: women’s products. But if there’s a place to invest now, and future potential is important, this is a market that matters. An increasing proportion of men has stopped surreptitiously swiping their partner’s products and now buys their own facial cleansers, toners and creams. And BB creams are a regular star player in their league. SMART MEN WITH THEIR SMART PHONES Whereas men previously pampered their facial features with whatever they could find – shower gels and bar soap – according to the cosmetics experts, “Millennial Men” use modern technology to do their homework and can be surprisingly savvy when it comes to the latest ingredients. This makes magic helpers like RonaCare® Cyclopep- tide-5 and RonaCare® Nicotinamide the ideal mil- lennium man-maker to give previously over-mas- culine and rougher males a more even, youthful glow. After a long day in the office or working outdoors, a night on the town with the guys and gals could be on the cards, so now is the time to look the part. A CLEAR-CUT PRIORITY Men find it particularly challenging to keep off skin blemishes since they don’t have as many makeup options for covering up problem areas. As many also shave regularly, it’s important that their skin creams aren’t too rich in oil-based in- gredients. Ideal ingredient options to keep men’s skin clear are RonaCare® ZnO, RonaCare® AP or RonaCare® Nicotinamide. All have been clinically proven to clear and calm problem skin. Men are also introducing exfoliating products to their care regime and peeling is recommended once per week to keep skin clear and balanced. BRONZE AGE Modern man already enjoys the great outdoors, but this hasn’t stopped him from dabbling in tanning products. Men understand UV issues as much as women these days, so it’s no longer unusual for them to turn to cosmetics to adopt a toned, bronzed look – as long as it’s subtle and understated. Ingre- dients like RonaCare® Bronzyl can effectively MODERN MEN WITH “A-PEEL” ON AND OFF THE PLAYING FIELD, MEN ARE STARTING TO REALIZE WHAT WOMEN HAVE KNOWN FOR AGES: INVESTING JUST A LITTLE TIME AND EFFORT IN HOW WE LOOK CAN DO WORK WONDERS ON HOW WE FEEL add a hint of a tan from within, without all the dangers of UV rays. To add some welcome pro- tection, products can include UV filters from the product range of Eusolex® und UV-TITAN. EYES COOL Dry eyes, puffy eyes, dark circles – after centu- ries of showing what they’re made of the hard way, men are tired of looking tired as a signal of success. They may still lead a busy lifestyle, but when relaxing they also want to look relaxed! For the man who wants to be an eye-catcher with a sparkle and glint in his eye, eye drops and moisturizers are a welcome addition to his repertoire. Ingre- dients like, RonaCare® Rutinsul- fate, or RonaCare® VTA are ideal for helping men keep cool as ice. In case wrinkles should be wiped away RonaCare® Cyclopeptide-5 - a unique cyclic peptide in cos- metics - can add the final touch. For immediate impact RonaFlair® Balance Colors e.g. RonaFlair® Balance Gold are the first choice. Modern men are also increasingly turning to lightly tinted creams and concealers. Also, an effective option for masking unsightly eye ar- eas is to use skin tone balancers and functional fillers. WE HAVE TO HAND IT TO THEM Men are increasingly realizing that they’re not only judged by their shoes, their hands and nails matter too. For modern man, shaking hands at a meeting or handing over a business card can be central to making an important first impression. Ingredients that come in handy in- clude RonaCare® Pristine Bright or Emblica®. They help reduce pigmentation problems like first age spots on the back of hands and keep free radicals at bay. At the extremities, Rona- Care® Biotin Plus helps nurture nails and nail beds for strong and healthy nails that don’t chip and break. MEN’S COSMETICS these days they look closely at themselves 9 www.merck4cosmetics.com COS1408_EH_Merck_GB_02_215x290mm_1/1_A 24.07.14 13:09 Seite 9