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44 COSSMA 7-8I2014 SERVICES SUPPLIERS’ GUIDE German Heading see Abfüll- und Verschließmaschinen Adeps Lanae Ätherische Öle Airless Systeme Aloe Vera Alu-Siegel-Verschlüsse Ampullenabfüllung Avocadobutter Avocadoöl Boragesamenöl Chitosan Dermatologische + klinische Tests Dichtemessung von Cremes, Flüssigkeiten und Aerosolen Etiketten Etuis für die dekorative Kosmetik Fettsäure-Ester Flüssigkeits- zerstäuber und Sprühpistolen Formen und Kunststoffteile Glittereffekte Filling and Crimping Machines Adeps Lanae Essential Oils Airless Systems Aloe Vera Aluminium Seal Closures Ampul Filling Avocadobutter Avocado Oil Borage Seed Oil Chitosan Dermataogical + Clinical Tests Density Measurement of Creams, Liquids and Aerosols Labels Pouches a. Cases f. Colour Cosmetics Fatty Acid Esters Dispensers and Trigger Pumps Molds and Plastic Parts Glitter Effects Suppliers Guide Alphabetical Listing On the following pages you will find a selection of suppliers to the cosmetics industry. The listing is in alphabetical order based on the English section headings. To make it easier for you to find what you are looking for we have listed the German section headings below, with their English equivalents. A detailed supplier listing can be found starting on page 45ff. You can also find a full overview, with a search function, at Should your company be listed here? Send an e-mail to We will be glad to send you details of terms and prices. Hagebuttenkernöl Hyaluronsäure Natrium Johanniskrautöl Hacoba Jojobaperlen Jojobaöl Karmin Kosmetik-Farbstoffe Kosmetik-Rohstoffe Kosmetik Spatel Lanolin (Adeps Lanae), Wollwachs, -alkohole pestizidarm Lohnabfüllung Lohnherstellung Arzneimittel und Kosmetika Lohnherstellung und Verpackung Makadamianussöl Mandelöl Mischkugeln für Aerosole Molch-Reinigungssysteme Nachtkerzenöl Oleochemicals Olivenbutter Olivenöl Parfümöl Pflanzenöle Pumpen für die Produktion Rizinusöl Sesamöl Software Sheabutter Spraysysteme Sterilisation Verpackungen Weizenkeimöl Wirkstoffe für Kosmetika Wollwachs Rose Hip Oil Hyaluronic Acid Sodium St. John’s Wort Oil /Hypericum Oil Jojobabeads/Grains/Pearls Jojoba Oil Carmine Cosmetics Colorants Cosmetics Raw Materials Cosmetics Spatulas Lanolin (Adeps Lanae), Low Pesticide Wool Wax, Wool Alcohols Contract Filling Contract Manufacturing Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Manufacturing + Packaging Macadamia Nut Oil Almond Oil Aerosol Mixing Balls Pig Clearing Systems Evening Primrose Oil Oleochemicals Olivebutter Olive Oil Perfume Oil vegetable oils Pumps for the production process Castor Oil Sesame Oil Software Shea Butter Spray Systems Sterilization Packaging Wheat Germ Oil Actives for Cosmetics Wool Wax ADVERTISING FAX-SERVICE: Fax +49 (0)721 165-227 Start winning tomorrow’s customer today with your entry in the suppliers’ guide width of column: 43 mm price per mm height: € 3,10 for a period of: 1 year advertising deadline: 10th day of each month before publication ❑ Yes, I wish to place a firm order for an entry in the suppliers’ guide at a price of € 3,10 per column mm for each entry. You will receive the text for my ad with separate fax. Date, Signature ✂ ✂ Company: Contact: Street, P.O. Box: Post Code, City: Country: Phone: Fax: Please send me an order confirmation for the following ad: Category/ies: Height i. mm: mm ❑ 4 colour (Euro scale) ❑ black and white To be first published in issue: ❑ 09/2014 ❑ 10/2014 ❑ 11/2014 ❑ 12/2014 ❑ 01-02/2015 ❑ 03/2015 For a period of: ❑ 1 year ❑ test: 3 month ❑ Yes, I agree that you may keep me advised of industry news by phone (including mobile phone), by e-mail, or in writing! COS1408_44_GB_Einstieg_COS_BQ_1107_08_GB_Einstieg 28.07.14 14:47 Seite 44

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