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S andra Ritter and Sandra Senss- felder of Cosnova showed how current social trends – individu- alisation, connectivity, neo-ecology and urbanisation – with their rich variety of possible manifestaions, can be converted into concrete product ideas, for example Hair Dye Powder for hair coloured just for the weekend, 3D Tat- too Glitter Sets and Tattoo Stamping sets for express styling. Lisa Nahrwold gave some important tips on how best to research patents and other information on the In- ternet for a market analysis. It could later save a lot of work and research prior to developing a new idea. To close a sample market analysis Werner Seipel and Karine Koss-Maita of BASF identified the following key trends: Cross over, BB-CC-DD and be- yond, Speed/Time, Precious Oils, Natu- ral Beauty and Transforming Textures. They then showed some trend-setting market products plus realistic ingredi- ents and formulations that could be used in their development. From another perspective Angela Kleiner of Croda defined the following megatrends and talked about concrete examples: Healthstyle, Mobility, Co- cooning, Demographics, Aesthetic Surgery and Sustainability. “It’s time for something new” – that was the message in the eight presentations given at the SEPAWA applied cosmetics group conference on May 28th in Leverkusen, Germany. 30 COSSMA 7-8I2014 Conference of the SEPAWA applied cosmetics group (FAK) Trendsetters PRODUCTION EVENTS Decisive stimulants for a major new move in the cosmetics business The active members of the SEPAWA applied cosmetics group A large number of the 60 participants took advantage, on the day before the congress, of the opportunity to visit BayKomm, the Bayer communications centre, and to see Science for a better Life, a fascinating multimedia opportunity to learn more about the company, and in the evening to get together at the Red Lion photos:AngelikaMeiss Martin Krause of Bayer Material Science showed how the concept of protective hairstyling products can be realised and so provide heat protec- tion, gloss, curl retention and frizz con- trol, as well as avoiding split ends. The barrister Christian Solmecke of the law firm Wilde Beuger Solmecke presented the latest moves in the legal position vis-a-vis social media, and in particular to what extent one can be held responsible for one’s own and also foreign content published on the internet. Dorothee de Courson of Albea ex- plained the complex requirements of environmentally friendly cosmetics packaging. She showed how her organ- isation, within 10 years, has managed, by reducing tube wall thickness, using a lighter weight closure and using recy- cled PE, to reduce the tube weight by 25% and the carbon footprint by an in- credible 38%. Furthermore they intro- duced the company’s Greenleaf patent for laminate tubes which allows a reduced tube sleeve thicknesswith the same feel, and the CO2 emission is reduced by 10%. The “Things used to be a lot better” presentation by Angela Kleiner of Cro- da, and Michèle Lindner of GfN Selco, was based on a recent survey carried out by themselves. Only one third of those interviewed were able to name an innovative product in the cosmetics field. The best that they could do was to estimate that the products rub in well, smell nice, and are not sticky. Although new product launches cost considerably more than their de- velopment alone, only a few of them are really successful. For manufactur- ers innovation is the basis for new technology, competitive technical ad- vantages and insurance for the future. For consumers they lighten the day, satisfy the very latest market needs and increase product safety. But there are also some serious dis- advantages. They increase competitive pressure on the manufacturer, demand a high capital investment and must be patented or otherwise protected. For consumers they tend to swamp the proven and popular products, initially lead to rising prices and demand more flexibility. But in today‘s competitive market refusing innovative products is not the answer. AM You can find photos of the event on the Internet (see Internet panel) The hostess, Dr. Paula Rodrigues of Bayer Material Science, opened the conference Additional information can be found at qr00282 or you can just scan the QR code! Your access codes for August: User name: cossma8 Password: nature DownloadsDownloads COS1408_30_Sepawa_GB_COS1105_10_Anti_Aging_GB 28.07.14 14:31 Seite 30

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