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S ponsored by Brazilian ingredi- ent supplier, Chemyunion, the programme included presenta- tions from ABIHPEC and Mintel and a round-table discussion on the chal- lenges and opportunities for Brazilian ingredients suppliers. Described as a powerhouse for cosmetics and toiletries, Daniel Olveira, market intelligence manager, ABIHPEC, gave Euromonitor the 2013 statistics showing that Brazil accounts for 54.5% of cosmetics and toiletries sales in Latin America, followed by Mexico with 13.7% and Argentina with 7.3%. Other growth markets include Colombia with 5.2% of total sales in Latin America, Peru with 2.9%, Chile with 3.7% and Venezuela with 5.7%. The South East region of Brazil is where 80% of industries are concen- trated. “Brazil has been through diffi- cult times since 2009, when total beau- ty sales declined. However they picked up in 2013 and grew by 2.7%,” ex- plained Olveira. Brazil is the third largest beauty market globally and number one in fra- grances and deodorants. Overall, it is the second largest consumer market for mass market products, but has lagged behind with premium brands, although this is changing as con- sumers become more sophisticated in their product choices. At 22% of the total Brazilian C&T market, deodorants is the largest cate- gory. According to Euromonitor, Brazil Long before Brazil was in the news as hosts of this year’s World Cup, In-Cosmet- ics was shining a spotlight on this vibrant country’s cosmetics and toiletries indus- tries. Brazil* was the Country Focus at this year’s In-Cosmetics show in Hamburg as a prelude to the first ever in-cosmetics Brazil show in São Paulo on 9–10 of September. 20 COSSMA 7-8I2014 MARKETING MARKETS sells one in five deodorants worldwide. Sun care accounts for 17% of all Brazil- ian sales, followed by fragrances at 16%. The smallest categories are colour cosmetics with 6 % and skin care with 4%. “I believe there are good op- portunities to grow skin care in Brazil. It’s only the fifth largest market glo- bally,” pointed out Olveira. Export sales are primarily to Brazil’s neighbours in Latin America, while im- ports come mainly from Argentina, the US, Mexico, France and China. “This sends an important message – that Brazil is a big consumer with a big opportunity for international compa- nies,” concluded Olveira. According to Sergio Goncalves, commercial manager, Chemyunion, Brazilian consumers need to be treated differently to the rest of the world due to the variety of racial types which in- cludes mixed white, black and Latinos. “International brands come in with their products, but they have to adjust to the requirements of Brazilian women,” he explained. The variety of hair types includes naturally straight, naturally curly, chemically straightened, coloured, lightly waved and heavily waved. Most Brazilian women look for moisturisa- In-Cosmetics Marketing Trends Presentations 2014 Focus on Brazil The globally popular anti-ageing claim doesn’t appear in the top 10 claims in Brazil photo:PaulHakimataPhotogra, Brazil accounts for 54.5% of cosmetics and toiletries sales in Latin America, followed by Mexico with 13.7% photo:Monticello, COS1408_20_Imogen_Brasil_GB_COS1406_22_Imogen_D 28.07.14 14:26 Seite 20

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