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C hanging trends and fashions are an accepted part of modern life. In fact, our cultures need new trends as much as they need the first warm sunrays of spring. It’s no different with skin care. This trend forecast will give you ideas to catch the essence of 2015 trends. Furthermore, it will help you translate trends into care cosmetics, featuring inspirations for marketing stories, product design and textures. So it’s time again for our annual look at up-and-coming trends. What’s on the horizon for 2015? As always, we already have the inside scoop on what we can all look forward to. As an appetizer, we now present some more details about: TAPPING INTO THE TIMES: RONACARE® POPPY SE, BRONZYLTM AND PRISTINE BRIGHT PLUS EUSOLEX® T-EASY TREND FORECAST Beautifully Vital _____________ A new look based on premium minimalism is on the horizon. This is where energy and dyna- mism meet urban chic simplicity. We will inspire you with a product concept designed for an urban man, his active lifestyle is translated via chic codes: in the metropolis where he is living, he commutes elegantly on a high-tech bike. This dynamic mood requires strong protection. The cosmetic active that will be important with this trend will offer high performance, a perfect example of this coming from the area of sun care, where a product like Eusolex® T-EASY can make a huge difference to formulations. Eusolex® T-EASY is like a code cracker, offering a highly functional, innovative ingredient that can be easily added to high-performance products. This formulation stability means that if compatibility is high on the agenda, you can inject products with all the energy and dynamism they need. Its high performance comes from the groundbreaking, double-coated titanium dioxide, which helps reflect light landing on the skin, simultaneously offering excellent photo stability. The key to the door with Eusolex®T-EASY comes from the innovative second coating (cetylphosphate). Beauty needs excellent compatibility – totally easy to achieve with avobenzone, antioxidants (ascorbyl palmitate, propyl gallate), skin lighteners, whiteners (Emblica®/RonaCare® MAP), carbomers and parabens. Eusolex® T-EASY is also excellent for combining with ingredients offering other functions such as anti-ageing. In fact it’s the only ingredient compatible with the state-of-the-art self-tanning ingredient dihydroxyacetone, which other UV filters really struggle with. Eusolex® T-EASY is fully compliant with the SCCS opinion on titanium dioxide (nano regulations). It is currently being launched at in-cosmetics 2014 in Hamburg. 14 TREND FORECAST COS1408_EH_Merck_GB_02_215x290mm_1/1_A 24.07.14 13:09 Seite 14

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