A t the BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH it will be not only the latest products and brands in the cen- tral exhibition covering cosmetics, foot care, and medical beauty that will be on show, but trend topics such as well- ness and spa and natural cosmetics will also have their platform. The latest business platform, BEAUTY FORUM connect, expands the IBF International Business Forum. At the IBF the visitors can meet suppliers of high quality products from abroad who may even become tomorrow’s suppliers. Anyone who is already making plans for the autumn event can register using the BEAUTY FORUM connect on-line tool at www.connect.beauty- forum.com. Here local and internation- al business partners, such as potential distributors, can be found with a chance of making an entry into new markets. But that’s not all. Because of the wide range of marketing people and companies represented in this portal it may very well be possible, un- der certain circumstances, to become involved in new types of business. Suggestions in the BEAUTY FORUM matchmaking portal might well put you in contact with companies that you had not even thought of. The practical platform on the Internet will save hours of on-line searching before the exhibition. If you would like to register for this event you will then be easily found by potential business partners. Using MyMatch you will also be able yourself to seek suitable business partners and fix firm meetings for during the exhi- bition. At the exhibition there will be a special Connect Area, a nice quiet Despite it being holiday time there is one thing for sure – next autumn is on the way – and with it comes the 29th BEAUTY FORUM, the autumn‘s biggest international exhibition for beauty profession- als. The event takes place on the 25th and 26th of October 2014, and is held this year for the 5th time at the Munich International Trade Fair Centre. That is where some 850 exhibitors and brands await you with their latest developments. 40 COSSMA 7-8I2014 place well away from the noise and chatter of the exhibition, and where you will be able to discuss possible scenarios for cooperation. This special area for serious discussion is in Hall 3C, Stand A21. And the great thing about this idea – for exhibitors at BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH 2014 this practical networking service is totally free of charge. And as a special little treat for BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH exhibitors: if you register at www.connect.beauty-forum. com you will find that all of the required exhibitor data is already filled in for you. The exhibitors that have already registered include the following manu- facturers of skin care cosmetics in Ger- many: Akzent direkt, Catherine, Dr. med Christine Schrammek, Jean d’Arcel, Dr. Rimpler, Eduard Gerlach, IONTO Health & Beauty and Weyergans High Care. Austria is already represented by, among others, Gaube Kosmetik who specialise in permanent make-up and eyelash extensions. From Hungary Mystic Nails Hungary will present their operation with its professional nail products. Further information on the exhibition, a daily updated ex- hibitor list, details of the supporting programme, presales etc. can be found at www.beauty-fairs.de/muenchen BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH 2014 New business meeting times for “early birds“ SERVICES EVENTS For meetings arranged via BEAUTY FORUM connect a confidential Connect Area will be available far from the buzz of the exhibition Practical Internet platform for time-saving networking online before the exhibition photo:RobertGruber,HealthandBeautyGermany photo:HaslooGroupProductionStudio,Shutterstock.com COS1408_40_BFMuenchen_GB_COS1402_40_ADV_Incos_D_GB 28.07.14 14:34 Seite 40