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PERFORMANCE AND ADDED-VALUE As the economy expands in Brazil, customer ex- pectations are growing. Users are well educated and well informed. So a product that promises perfect performance should also add value. Ef- fects such as skin balancing, anti-ageing, and sun protection are not just abstract claims on packaging, or an eye-catcher to tease buyers, they’re the new standard – an expectation that is fostering and fueling novel trends. Women are developing and sharing a new-found apprecia- tion for color cosmetics. Because in Brazil, make- up is a part of your unique persona. Brazil seems to have it all: beautiful beaches for a laidback lifestyle matched by fast-paced indi- viduality to fuel market demand. Amidst all the sun, sand, and samba, Brazilians tend to cool off with a refreshing shower several times a day. Why not turn these frequent retreats into a sen- suous experience. Inspire this unique consumer base with colorful and shimmering product con- cepts for outstanding rinse-off formulations like shower gels and liquid soaps that are guaranteed to revive the spirits. The people of Brazil are as eclectic and multifac- eted as their taste for product variety. Like many from the continent of South America, Brazilians want even, younger-looking skin. Epilation can be as much an expectation to women as the very latest skin care trends are to men. In fact, these categories now account for 40% of market sales, as the growing middle class and sophisticated consumers look for both nighttime novelties and daytime indulgence. One thing certainly holds true for the Brazilian market: It’s looking good. This is an attractive market for beauty and care – in more ways than one. DIM THE LIGHTS… WITH RONACARE® AP One of our star ingredients on the world stage of cosmetic products is RonaCare® AP. This extraordinary radical scavenger molecule that enriches our light protection portfolio offers unrivaled skin protection against light- and UV-induced radicals. Most people aren’t aware that UV filters typi- cally produce some of the free radicals that attack the skin’s protective mechanisms, an unwanted trade-off in preventing damaging sun exposure. One key mechanism in the skin’s very own line of defense is the accumu- the upper epidermal layers. These natural ca- rotenoids protect the skin from damage of free radicals. Being themselves partially depleted when unfolding their properties, carotenoids also need to be looked after. RonaCare® AP has proven to be extremely useful in this respect. It stays in these upper skin layers, protecting the carotenoids with its amazing antioxidant effects. It also stabilizes the photoreactive UV filters in sun care prod- ucts – making it a truly stellar ingredient. Looking for ways to include premium ingredi- ents like RonaCare® AP in your own products? Simply get in touch! We’d be delighted to help you enhance your formulations: 6 COVER STORY COS1408_EH_Merck_GB_02_215x290mm_1/1_A 24.07.14 13:09 Seite 6

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