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Pure Romantic_____________________ Even in modern times, there is plenty of scope for modern feminine heroism with a romantic mood to meet exotic adventure – and provide a breed of beauty that is pretty, coquettish and powerful all in one. Some complexions can be bright with uniformly porcelain perfection. An ideal ingredient to achieve this trend – which not surprisingly is seen frequently in Asia – is RonaCare® Pristine Bright. The beauty effect achieved with this skin brightener is almost mystical. Many brighteners fall short in terms of effect compared to RonaCare® Pristine Bright, which out-performs conven- tional skin brighteners without any of the undesirable side effects that others are af- flicted by. Smart Sun-Seeker ______________ Modern fun and playful mood in which some sunshine is infused into urban living. That naturally radiant glow is a reflection of beauty and en- joyment of life. Combining hectic modern living with fun and amusement requires innovative products like RonaCare® BronzylTM . Supporting a nat- ural tan needing less exposure to the sun, RonaCare® BronzylTM works by stimulating melanin synthesis – biological tanning that needs no UV ex- posure and thus inhibits ageing. When melanin is produced by the skin, this provides natural UV protection. Dive into these beauty alternatives that will promote a gradual tan, bringing the beach feeling to the city. Blossoming Hedonist________ There’s nothing retro about flower power – it never went out of fash- ion. But the rejuvenating flavor of this trend marks a merging of mod- ern, simple authenticity with an acceptable hint of wholesome hedo- nism. Fashion and lifestyles can be all-natural these days, flowing in harmony with the breeze in the air – and sustainable. The pure em- bodiment of this is the poppy, a powerful symbol of simplicity, yet bold and confident. This idea is encapsulated in RonaCare® Poppy SE, which provides the power of nature, the kind of power from within that the skin gladly takes to blossom and beam confidence. RonaCare® Poppy SE uses the natural virtues of poppy seed extract to create innovative skin-firming products. It is ideal for enhancing skin evenness and for firming the skin by stimulating lipolytic activity. Contact us if you would like to enjoy a deep dive with us into these trends: We will be happy to present you further trends during workshops and visits, such as: 15 TREND FORECAST COS1408_EH_Merck_GB_02_215x290mm_1/1_A 24.07.14 13:10 Seite 15

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