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38 COSSMA 7-8I2014 SERVICES INGREDIENTS Amyris, Sandalwood, West Indies 43.00 still stable but shortages threaten Anethol from star anis 18.50 unchanged Bergamot ”Reggio” 87.50 steady Buchu leaf ”Betulina” 350.00–590.00 unchanged Cananga 67.00 steady Caraway, Balkan/Holland 38.50 weaker Cassia, China 36.50–50.00 not much movement Cedarwood, China 15.00 firm Cedarwood, Florida/Virginia 23.00 firm Cedarwood, Texas 21.00 firm Celery seed, India 95.00 almost no movement Citronella, China, 85/35% 18.00 somewhat firmer Citronella, Java, 85/35% 19.00 somewhat firmer Clove leaf, Madagascar 18.00–20.50 somewhat weaker Coriander 95.00–110.00 steady with a firm undertone Dill, Balkan 33.00–41.00 weaker Eucalyptol, min. 99% (1.8 cineol) 17.00 stabilised Eucalyptus citriodora, Brazil, min. 75% 18.50 not much movement Eucalyptus citriodora, China, min. 75% 18.50 not much movement Eucalyptus, China, 80/85% 13.50 steady Eucalyptus staigeriana 23.50 unchanged Fennel, seed 33.50–62.00 steady Geranium, Egypt 105.00 somewhat easier with the start of the harvest Geranium, China 150.00 very firm Ginger, India/Cochin 160.00 still firm and scarce Grapefruit, white 26.50–45.00 remaining firm Guaiacwood, Paraguay 21.00 unchanged Howood, min. 85% 35.00–45.00 very firm, continues scarce Juniper berry 210.00–450.00 steady Lavandin abrialis 28.00 very firm prior to harvest, almost sold out at source Lavandin grosso 27.00 very firm prior to harvest, almost sold out at source Lavender, Bulgaria 75.00–95.00 sold out locally, big variations in quality! Lavender, France, 40/42% 130.00 very firm prior to harvest Lemon, Messina, winter harvest nom. 36.00 firm and scarce Lemon grass, Cochin, min. 75% 16.00 steady Limette, distilled, Mexico/West Indies 45.00 still firm, limited availability Litsea cubeba, China, min. 75% 18.50 practically unchanged Menthol, China, BP/DAB 18.00 very volatile, spot deals scarce Menthol, India, known brands 18.00 very volatile, spot deals scarce Mint (Pepp. arv.), China 16.00 very volatile, spot deals scarce Mint (Pepp. arv.), India 16.00 very volatile, spot deals scarce Nutmeg, Indonesia 87.00–102.00 steady Nutmeg, Sri Lanka 80.00–95.00 steady Orange, bitter 56.50 unchanged Orange, Brazil 4.90–5.35 steady Orange, Florida/Valencia, CP 5.25–5.70 steady Palmarosa, East Indies, min. 90% 35.00 still no clear direction Parsley seed 165.00 unchanged Patchouli, Sumatra, extra 75.00 firmer Pepper, India 110.00–140.00 unchanged Peppermint, American 65.00–78.00 still steady, firm undertone Peppermint, Indian 29.50 practically unchanged Petitgrain, Paraguay 40.00 firm, scarce Rosemary, North Africa, nom. 45.00 scarce, costly Morocco/Tunisia Rosewood, Brazil nom. 350.00 still small amounts available. CITES! Sage, Dalmatian, offic., 30% 75.00 very firm Sandalwood, India nom. 2,750.00 legally almost unavailable Spearmint, Am. Native/Scotch 52.00–55.00 steady, with a firm undertone Spearmint, India, 60% 35.00 easier, with a good harvest Spruce needle, Siberia 23.50 unchanged, very attractive Star anis, China 16.00 unchanged Vetiver, Haiti 190.00 in principal unchanged Vetiver, Java 120.00 stable Essential oils: Current import prices in €/kg July/August 2014 Prices ar ex-works Germany, customs cleared in the EU Note: The €/$ exchange rate has an impact on several prices and at times has a greater impact than percentage price changes at source. COS1408_38_Preise_GB_COS1406_36_Preise_GB 28.07.14 14:34 Seite 38

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