COSSMA, Ausgabe 4/2017 - page 45

Electronic features printed onto the
packaging highlight the shape, col-
ours and individual details of var-
ious packaging types. Different
switch mechanisms activate the
specific lighting feature. Currently
there are four different designs in
the Lumen series.
features a
perforated logo that is indirectly illu-
minated from behind. When a cus-
tomer picks up the package, a pres-
sure sensor on the back activates
the lighting. The
Shades of Gold
design captures customers’ atten-
tion with LEDs positioned along the
front of the packaging, behind indi-
vidual honeycomb-shaped segments
in gold for accentuation. When the
package is touched, a sensor on the
back responds to moisture in the skin
and serves as a switch. The
design adds a glamorous appear-
ance to the bottle inside the pack-
age to surprise the consumer when
the box is opened. As soon as the
top is released, a photo-sensitive sen-
sor activates LEDs in the base of the
package – illuminating the entire bot-
tle from below.
makes use of a
semi-transparent cellulose mate-
rial and was inspired by traditional
shadow puppetry. A pressure sen-
sor on the back activates the light-
ing, which then illuminates the bot-
tle inside the box from behind. This
purple logo printed on top of the cof-
Mktg’s Flatty
is a multi-functional
packaging with a lift-and-reseal label
that can be used either to exchange
refills or to carry around one’s favour-
ite makeup powder. With a thickness
of only 5 mm, it was designed to
occupy the smallest possible space:
an on-the-go makeup case. For the
launch, a special limited edition was
created using
silver, gold and coloured papers with
special textures. The waste-reducing
package can be manufactured using
100%-recycled paper only.
designed box
A Perfect
shows the advantages of their
premium packaging board,
olux c2s
with two-sided coating.
Whether it be slip lid packaging, con-
ical tube cartons or sample packag-
ings, special finishes such as hot-foil
stamping and Braille, blind and relief
embossing are available. The dou-
ble-coated version offers good printa-
bility, and its high proportion of long
fibres ensures good folding proper-
ties and high rigidity.
Let there be light
RLC’s Lumen
design series combines
lighting effects and special designs.
RLC’s holistic packaging concept for a new beauty brand
Scheufelen’s sample box
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