COSSMA, Ausgabe 4/2017 - page 18

photos: Mintel
Gourmet Shower Milk
In France, Groupe Panther intro-
Gourmet Shower Milk
Cottage Le Caramel
brand. This
dual multi-pack is said to be con-
verted using 15% less plastic than
the previous container. On-pack
communication includes the
logo, which stands for less
impact on the environment. The
drink-style extrusion blow moulded
PE containers are decorated with a
pearlescent self-colour process that
gives the containers a lustre and pre-
mium image. The product features a
sweet caramel scent and is enriched
with milk and is high in calcium,
proteins and plant lipids, which is
said to revitalise, strengthen, nour-
ish, protect and hydrate skin.
* Mintel’s Global New Product Database (GNPD)
Additional information can be found
on the Internet – see download panel
Finally, natural sun protection
stands as a sunscreen alternative,
and sunscreen usage will climb,
pushed by higher temperatures and
greater self-awareness by younger
consumers to protect themselves
and their kids from cancer.
This selection highlights some very
interesting products in this month’s
Face depilatory cream
Loua Crème Dépilatoire Visage
Laurence Dumont
is a face depilatory
cream for very sensitive skin. It is
said to remove unwanted hair in five
minutes, leaving skin soft thanks to
its formula with soothing chamo-
mile and bisabolol.
This range of depilatory creams is
available in flexible ultra-strong
stand-up pouches. This packaging is
a real novelty for the segment.
The pouches, ideal for use while
travelling, also include a spatula for
convenient application.
Soap pop on a stick
In Australia, UK beauty vlogger Zoe
Sugg, known as Zoella, introduced a
soap-on-a-stick product.
Zoella Beauty Soap Pop Fragranced
Soap on a Stick
is the continuation of
the foodie trend impact on the beau-
ty sector.
This new format referencing ice
cream products provides a novelty
image for soaps. Alongside colourful
design, this format is a fun way to
obtain a distinctive appearance on
retail shelves.
The fun factor is important when
presenting beauty products to the
target group of teenagers.
The soap features a calming fra-
grance and ingredients such as vita-
min E, shea butter and aloe.
intel’s future of body care
report finds that across the
globe, the US retains top po-
sition for body care retail sales, with
Indonesia expected to climb to fifth
by 2020.
The US stands apart from other mar-
kets in body care retail sales; its
nearest competitor in 2017, Brazil, is
projected to generate less than half
the sales.
Foodie skincare
will be a major trend
for body care in 2017 and fits the
wellness daily routine.
Food ingredients supply skin with a
healthy nutrient boost and beauty
brands can tailor the formula recipes
to different ages, ethnicities and af-
Younger consumers are rewarding
eco- and ethically-conscious body
care brands, as natural/organic has
become a group mindset for younger
Brands that promote renewables
and eco-responsible positioning will
gain a second look amongst these
younger consumers.
Product development
| Michelle Strutton from Mintel has
­selected some of the most innovative body care products.
Michelle Strutton
Global Research Manager
Beauty & Personal Care
Mintel, London, UK
Dual multi-pack uses
15% less plastic than
the ­previous container
UK vlogger creation: soap on a stick
Removes unwanted
facial hair in
five ­minutes
COSSMA 4 I 2017
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