COSSMA, Ausgabe 4/2017 - page 58

understanding the
role of each
microorganism in
skin beauty
based on: appealing formula-
tions, scientific testing and veri-
fied consumer benefits. We will
present different new products
including two active ingredients:
, a hydrolysed linseed ex-
tract, is our new 100%-renewa-
ble-based anti-ageing active for
skin care products. We call it our
multi-functional rejuvenating
cure, as it hydrates and redensi-
fies the skin. The second active,
Collalift 18
, is an extract of
the bark of African mahogany. It
stimulates the synthesis of colla-
gen XVIII and thus improves the
skin’s elasticity recovery and vis-
ibly reduces pores, lines, and
wrinkles. Our presentation “It’s
all about tomorrow” at the new
Sustainability Corner will explain
how we have integrated sustaina-
bility into our processes and val-
ue chains.
How would you assess the cur-
rent market environment?
We see the market slightly in-
creasing in line with retail and
overall economic development.
Western Europe continues to be
our core market, where we want
to grow above market average.
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We also see dynamic growth in
the emerging markets of the west-
ern hemisphere. Especially Magh-
reb, Iran and Africa are playing a
more important role now. Outside
Europe, we still have high expec-
tations with regard to the personal
care market development in Asia.
For the raw materials market, we
expect the high volatility of lauric
oils to continue.
Where do you still see untapped
We’re currently looking at many
potentials: for example, how to
tailor our business models more
precisely to market conditions.
Furthermore, increasing digitali-
sation represents a great opportu-
nity: Industry 4.0 gives us a
chance to redesign value chains
with customers, suppliers, and
other business partners. Of
course, this also covers process
optimisation at our production
plants. And finally, there is defi-
nitely potential to gain a more de-
tailed understanding of which re-
quirements and needs are most
important to our customers to
further drive our mutual business
How do you want to further
drive innovation, despite the
many stumbling blocks like
regulatory hurdles?
Despite REACH and other regula-
tory hurdles the cosmetics indus-
try is facing, our goal is to active-
ly shape the personal care market
by providing innovative solu-
tions. To achieve this goal, trans-
lation of new trends to innovative
technologies is key. Another core
element is our ideation process.
Here, the most important thing is
to ask questions such as:
• Does the idea match the market
• What technologies are availa-
• Who can help?
• Where can I learn?
Then, the challenge is to put the
pieces together and prepare for
the right selection.
What are your goals for the near
We have the clear target to sus-
tain our position as an industry
benchmark and grow profitably
in a challenging market environ-
ment. To achieve this, we started
many activities and measures to
improve our business perfor-
* According to Cosmos database; additional
information on this and more can be found
on the Internet – see download panel
“Skin microbiota and epi-
genetics are key drivers”
Jan-Peter Sander, Senior Vice President,
Personal Care Europe, BASF
COSSMA 4 I 2017
Broad portfolio based on RSPO-certified sustainable palm kernel oil
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